When hiring and terminating hot dog cart employees, great care must be taken. It might turn out that the kid’s uncle is a hotshot lawyer (or the mayor, the chief of police, the newspaper editor, the Health Dept. inspector, etc.). But seriously, many employee problems can be avoidable by following a few simple steps. Even family members should follow these guidelines.
The most important asset of any company is its employees. Therefore many large companies have Human Resource departments that handle the management of this vital resource.
Companies with fantastic products have failed because of poor human resource management.
Select, Educate, Direct, and Prevent are the best methods.
Do not hire anyone who does not look and act like an expert. You should avoid being rushed or pressured into hiring. Make sure references are checked. Your best source for good employees is always referred by friends and acquaintances.
Educate them about what is expected of them and how they are expected to perform their duties. After showing them how to do it, let them do it on their own while you watch. Provide them with the necessary equipment. The Hotdog Cart Operations and Maintenance Manual, along with health guidelines, should be included in the package.
Direct and Prevent
If necessary, give kind, dignified corrections and commend an excellent job. Make sure they are doing well on a regular basis. Recognize their achievements. Be honest with them. Express your appreciation. Take the lead.
Put them in charge of reading and signing the “Employee Rules of Conduct” and the “Dress, Deportment, and Hygiene Code“. Make sure they understand these rules thoroughly. Avoid misunderstandings and problems by doing this. If a violation or problem is serious, you should write a warning and keep a copy. Fired employees are the last option. Fired employees are rarely justified. Be professional, calm, and serious always.