You should maintain your cart just as you would maintain your car. This will prevent unfortunate events such as your cart breaking down.
Keeping track of these five things will help you identify early warning signs of an upcoming problem. Your hot dog cart maintenance is an important part of your business. Performing routine checks on your cart will help you maintain it for a long time.
Maintaining your hot dog cart in good condition is imperative in order to keep it safe to drive. By failing to do so, the operator/owner runs the risk of losing money due to not being able to operate.
Do a “walk-around”
Check the cart on a daily basis in the same way as a pilot inspects his aircraft before taking off or performing a “walk-around.”
Wheels and Tires
Inspect the tires for signs of wear and make sure they have the proper compressed air. A mechanic should inspect the wheel bearings at least once every six months. When the treads on the tires become worn, they should be replaced.
Make sure that all of the trailer indicators (braking, running, and turning) are operational. Always keep a spare pair of light bulbs available for emergencies.
Examine the electrical lines that run from the tow vehicle’s headlights to the trailer’s lights and back again. Most of these cables are particularly prone to degradation due to wear. These include regions where lines escape the trunk of an automobile and the areas where wires chafe against one other while traveling through channeling. Therefore, covering and protecting the wire insulation with a flexible wire conduit or electrical tape is recommended.
You should check corrosion in electrical connectors. Since a hotdog cart is frequently washed, the electrical connectors are particularly susceptible to corrosion in this environment.
The electrical system fails due to wear or corrosion if it is not maintained properly. A short circuit might cause the fuses in the tow vehicle to explode, as well as the trailer electrical converter to be destroyed. As an outcome, neither of the tow or trailer vehicle lights will be functional as an outcome of this. A short circuit caused by a faulty wire or a faulty connector will also result in the lights not functioning. It is a severe issue in terms of traffic safety.
Gas Tanks
Check to see that the propane tanks and the propane gas appliances and equipment are in proper operating order and are safe to use. Again, this is a problem that affects both operations and safety.
Check the propane tanks and pipes for damage. If you see a leak of propane, wash your hands with soapy water. Rising bubbles will indicate the presence of leaks. Water pipes should be checked for wear and replaced if necessary. It is not recommended that you attempt to repair hoses on your own or use electrical or duct tape to seal over leaks in the pipe! When a problem with a gas appliance is discovered, it should be replaced or repaired. Do not put off making a decision! Inspect gas hose connections to ensure that they are secure and won’t come undone.
Inspect the propane tanks to ensure they are securely fastened in line and do not shift during transportation. Similarly, make certain that all doors are closed and locked securely to not accidentally open while in travel. It is highly recommended that you use a factory-supplied tight-fitting cover to protect your vehicle from contamination and rain while in travel.
Knowing this list will enable you to spot potential problems at an early stage. You don’t want to run into any problems with your food cart. You might spend a lot of time and money on repairing a broken cart, as you would with a car. It would be a shame if you lost days and weeks of sales by sending your cart in for repair.
Our All American Hotdog Cart Manual has all the information you will need in operating your food cart business. You will find a lot of valuable information from business planning, permits, health codes, and cart maintenance. Click the link below to download for FREE!