Please contact All American for your purchase! Getting started with placing your order starts with putting down a 50 percent deposit. The remainder will be due when shipping is ready. Ensure that your order includes all the necessary cart options. Ensure that it meets all of your local health agency’s requirements, including the number of sinks needed.
Depending on the number of orders and supplies, the delivery may take a few days or weeks. An estimate of the delivery time should be provided when you place an order. In the downtime between contracts, contract with other distributors, the health department, the commissary, and the landlord of your location. This is an ideal time for you to complete your food service handler training course. No matter whether you are required to undergo hands-on training by law or not, it is still beneficial.
Hot Dog Cart Delivery
To ensure the safety of the cart throughout shipment, it will be delivered in a crate. Damage can sometimes occur, but it is unlikely to damage it. Before using the item, you should inspect it for completeness and damage when you receive it. Before signing the bill of lading, make note of any damage you see. Use a camera phone to take photos of the damage once you open the crate. Tell the driver to sign the damage that has been noted. Get in touch with our support team before you try and fix a damaged cart.
Make sure you are familiar with all its features and functions before taking it to your first vending location. Have a hotdog festival with family and friends as a test run. As a result, you would have a pleasant, patient audience, which would draw attention to any items you may have forgotten or processed that you need to practice more thoroughly in the future. Be realistic in your assessment of your goods or services and your presentation. The people you choose for this test run should be capable of taking your concerns seriously and providing you with critical feedback.)